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Updated: Jan 2, 2024

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I really try to live in positivity. I say daily prayers for the blessings of each day and the gift of a life filled with my loving family and friends as the cornerstone of my existence.


Still…the enormity of unpredictable challenges we endure, and the gut wrenching pain we all experience when we learn that a loved one has fallen asleep in death can at times make us feel that life is a burden – gutted with agitation, uncertainty and hopelessness. It’s definitely a balancing act of good vs. evil and happiness vs. sadness and no amount of time prepares us for the ultimate sorrow or deep depression that ensues when the evil/sadness curveball strikes us.


A very dear friend of mine reached out to me last week to tell me that her beloved husband had passed away. He was young – late 40s I think. It felt like a sucker-punch to the face and I’m still disoriented. While I choose to saturate myself in the goodness of even the smallest blessings of each day, I must admit that sometimes I stay up at night, well past the norms of bedtime, because I fear the unpredictable tragedies that will unfold the next day. My husband knew that for several reasons I was in that mindset just yesterday evening. So he extended to me a tried and tested favorite pastime of comfort…pancakes after midnight. They were warm, blueberry-filled pancakes fresh off the skillet. As I finished watching the last of 2 Netflix movies, I felt faith - strengthened by the fact that this small, but kind gesture of pancakes, calmed my heart and made me realize yet again, that despite the obstacles, affliction and sufferings we experience in life, the best way to experience the possibilities of joy and ultra-happiness live!

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