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Updated: Jan 3, 2023

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Ladies, with only 88 days left until the new year, it’s the perfect time to start preparing your minds for the launch of your 2023 new brand! Whether it’s your self-image that you want to improve, a new business that you want to launch, or a combination of both, now is the time to begin developing your brand identity interpersonally.

Define clearly what you would like to accomplish for the first 365 days of your brand launch, and ignore any and all negative thoughts and comments that try to cloud your vision. It’s important to keep a journal of how you’re feeling on your journey and how you’re advancing the process daily and weekly. If for example, your goal is positive personal growth, the equation looks like this:

Do better = be better = feel better.

If you do things that are positive for yourself and for others, you will “be”come a person with a reputation and character for positive energy and for making other people feel good. That will make you feel better mentally, emotionally and physically. It sounds simple, but if you’re serious about positive personal growth, it will require an intense level of soul searching, honesty and humility. It requires commitment and focus. And above all, it requires courage. You may not like what your search reveals, but remember the purpose is to purge the toxicity and replace it with positivity. It will all be worth your while if you remember your end goal – do better, be better, feel better.

If it’s a business you’re launching, the personal growth recommendations still apply to the steps provided below to ensure that the soul of your brand has a positive beginning.

  1. Take your brand identity seriously. Understand who you are and what your brand represents. You are becoming a public figure and everything you say and do matters! As Maya Angelou said, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

  2. Begin each morning by acknowledging something positive about yourself and then acknowledge something positive about someone you know. This action helps you to appreciate the value of others and reminds you that you’re not the only voice in the room.

  3. Treat ALL people you encounter with kindness and respect. Every person that you encounter should feel dignified, empowered or at least inspired by your interaction with them regardless of their status, education or wealth. Be the blessing in the lives of others.

  4. Remain humble at all cost. If you are self-centered and/or self-absorbed, you will live in the bubble of selfishness you’ve created by yourSELF!

  5. When you’re feeling down, be on high alert when dealing with others. Tread lightly and keep your distance from others until you can offer positive energy.

  6. Develop a business model and business protocol by which you will operate and stick to it.

  7. Stay Focused!

You can do this Ladies! I know you can! Be authentic, be original and be extraordinary…because YOU ARE!

For all of my married ladies, I’m specifically sharing with you, my recent blog post, Him, Them and Us as an excerpt from my upcoming book, Him, Them and Us - How To Maintain Love, Peace and Harmony In Your Marriage, While Growing Your Business Together, as a guide to maintaining marital happiness amid the demands of your complex, busy schedule.


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