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5 MUST-HAVES for Women

Updated: Jun 2, 2021

As it relates to beauty, fashion and lifestyle [all interchangeably connected in my opinion] I take a more holistic approach now that I’m in my 50s. But it’s an approach I really wish I had begun in my 20s. I just didn’t even think about it then.

But now, I always opt for solutions over treating symptoms when it comes to how I feel, dress and live. I’m convinced it has added longevity to my life.

So I incorporate 5 essentials I believe should be the cornerstone of every woman’s lifestyle. I refer to them as the 5 MUST HAVES for Women. They include fiber, probiotics, multi-vitamins, liquid minerals and a really good face and body moisturizer.

As a young woman I could waltz in a store, eye a pencil skirt, grab it and guarantee that the fit would be perfect without ever having to try it on. Imagine my surprise when I tried that stunt at 40 and nothing fit the same! It seemed like it just happened over night! At first I thought I was being ingenious when I decided to simply add elastic to the waist and flaunt around in my size 8 elasticized pencil skirt like a boss! Then I was introduced to the miracle of fiber and probiotics. The bloat that seemed to settle around my waist and the pounds that seemed to bulge around my tummy literally dissipated when I began this routine! Not to mention that I felt better and my digestive tract seemed to be much less aggravated than it had been in the past.

Although my style has flavor and my own unique brand of afro-centric flair, who knew that my hair would betray me and begin thinning in my 50s? I fixed that with the addition of a multi-vitamin and liquid trace minerals. The trace minerals are really important to add because the zinc and iron normalize hair growth and stop the thinning process. And as a moisturizer, I recently began using Beauty Counter. I’m hooked! Join me on Feb. 15th as’s health and beauty expert Angela Odutoye shares the benefits of these products. Each morning and evening I slather coconut oil over my entire body while my skin is still moist from a shower. It keeps it soft and supple. It’s the sum of all 5 of these essentials when used together that make for ageless beauty. Being a woman at any age is such a wonderful experience. And now, in my 50s I love it even more!

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