This post first appeared exclusively for subscribers to my weekly affirmations blog. However, I thought it warranted exposure as a post on my website as well. Ladies take care of yourself. Start with your skin!!

I shared my Saturday with 20 lovely women as we invested a little over 2 hours talking about ways to better care for ourselves with a primary focus on managing mature skin as we grow older. The guest speaker was makeup artist and skin consultant, Erin Williams, owner of Erin Terrell Makeup, who shared tips on the best products to use for skin prep day and night routines as well as how to apply makeup on mature skin to provide a flawless look. The women ranged in age from mid 30s – 80 something and I wanted each and every one of them to feel pampered and empowered.
I hosted the event at my home and we gathered downstairs in an area I’ve designated as my home gallery because the walls are covered with oversized family pictures, quilts and other items that have special meaning to me. Two rows of tables that could sit 8 people each were filled with gift bags that contained makeup brushes and other goodies supplied by Erin.
But before we entered the gallery, we convened in the family room for an introduction to my brand and my role as Erin’s publicist. We also discussed the need to release the toxicity in the air from our minds and bodies and silence the prevalent noise and rhetoric! Then we watched a brief video that highlighted the fact that women of color suffer from a higher incidence of chronic disease associated with exposure to toxic chemicals and that we have higher incidence of lupus, uterine fibroids, and early onset puberty as a result of that exposure. The video also exposed the fact that less than 25% of beauty products marketed to women of color are rated safe. The primary purpose of my gathering was to share ways to change that outcome and demonstrate ways to protect our skin, particularly our faces from damage.
I didn’t expect however, to feel empowered by my guests. I was humbled and surprised to receive such affirming comments, kind thoughts, expressions of appreciation, beautiful smiling faces and generalized love from these beautiful women. It was absolutely wonderful. [I must add that among the mini food trays was a white cheddar cranberry and almond dip that I purchased from Aldi. You must try it! It was delicious! ]
We need to gather more ladies. We need to take the time to connect and reconnect, to remind ourselves that just as we nurture, we need to be nurtured! We need each other to rejuvenate and for support.
I would like to thank members of my team for making this event happen. Ebony Mitchell – Co-Art Director
Moyo Odugbemi – videographer/photographer
and our youngest team member, 10-year-old, Kamryn Mitchell – hostess.
Thank you all so much. And an honorary mention goes to Diane Bethea who is a lead videographer on my team, but for Saturday, I wanted her to come as a guest to be…pampered and empowered.
Ladies – one and all…Let’s do good things…TOGETHER!
P.S. If you're a local, get ready because Erin and I will be hosting more of these events. Hope to see you at one!