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Summer Bodies Are Made In Winter!

That’s what my friend and client, Christal Clifton says about how we manage our bodies in the winter in preparation for the way we want to live in our bodies in the summer! Christal is 34, and at that age most women’s bodies haven’t betrayed them with flab and unshapeliness. At least that’s the way I remember it now that I’m in my 50s!

But Christal is a true exception! She has a full - fledged business as a certified body sculptor and she performs non-surgical sculpting on the body to tighten and tone arms, abdominals and buttock. Additionally, she offers supplements designed to detox the body of pollutants and carcinogens that invade and harm the body systemically.

She believes in prevention and maintenance when it comes to body care and body image. She explains,

“They both work hand-in-hand with one another. When you provide your body with care by way of healthy food choices, plenty of water and exercise, your body responds with imagery that is confident, dignified and proud. On the other hand, when we willfully betray our bodies by feeding it unhealthy choices, refusing to hydrate it properly and neglecting to energize it for healthy hearts through exercise, our bodies are shamed into a relentless slumber on inactivity, bad skin and weakness.”

Let’s get to it ladies! You deserve to include in your schedule some time for self-care as you continue your daily mission of nurturing everyone else! Start your winter body’s journey for a rewarding summer body’s destination! When you get in touch with your body it responds with loyalty.

(All prospective clients are required to complete a health assessment before any procedures are performed.)

Follow Christal on Instagram and visit her website to book.

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