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Updated: Jan 3, 2023

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I love being a woman and all that comes with it. The superficial yet necessary amenities such as lipsticks, perfumes, slim skirts and heels [very high heels] are my staples. The profundities such as nurturing, sharing, and loving, which primarily define the character of most women, are all components of my signature. But it is our unique ability to be simultaneously resilient and vulnerable, fragile and powerful that compels me to celebrate and uplift my counterparts. We are wives and mothers, while concurrently holding high ranking positions such as President, Vice-President and CEO. As a collective group, women are making unparalleled strides and creating ingenious ways to manage their priorities as wives, mothers and business women. Many have, many will and yet many won’t unless they are awakened, reminded and assisted in recognizing their brilliance and potential.

It’s the reason I chose to begin a career celebrating women through my blogs, books and podcast. To be clear, it wasn’t to encourage women to become successful business women, or to push them to break glass ceilings. Rather, it was simply to support women to think positively, to learn to be confident and validated, happy and loved in their existence and specific endeavors. Success on any level is a by-product of affirmation. And that’s why affirmations are so important. They are potent and energizing and persuade people to believe in their purpose. They are little drops of healing when high dosages of negativity have overtaken us mentally and physically. Affirmations are the foundation of impactful change and the gateway to a better reality.

So ladies, YOU be the MATRIX, CHANGE AGENT FOR GOOD, THE TREND SETTER FOR HOPE AND LOVE in your families. It is why you are a woman, or womb-man or man with a womb. You manifest the physical power of a man through your emotions. In that way you are equally as powerful, moving mountain like obstacles and emboldening others with the greatest force in the universe…love.

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