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Last Thursday, well before the dawn of morning, my husband and I awoke precisely at the same time. We lay there somewhat annoyed that our sleep had been disturbed unpredictably and for reasons for which we were unaware. We fidgeted and repositioned for a while until our minds and bodies began to descend into a restful space of peace. Our voices were low as we softly spoke of the tiny gaps in our lives where unspoken secrets about childhood memories and living while Black rested. Somewhere between the tears and laughter, we realized that these moments were special, a true testimony to our committed and deep love for one another. We both tucked this experience away in the “treasured memories box” of our minds to recall when we so desired - grateful to live in those moments, but more importantly, to be in them – fully present and attentive to hear, feel and react to our thoughts uninterrupted.
That is the gift you should bestow on your life daily…live and be in every moment at once. It’s easy to do when the lights of the world have dimmed, affording you time to unwind before sleep. But during the hustle and bustle of the day, how sensitive and consciously aware are you to what you are experiencing? Do you show up for each moment, really allowing yourself to identify and expel your feelings and connect with what’s happening to you in “real” time? Do you acknowledge your surroundings – the people – the landscape – the aroma and overall ambience? Are you present in the moment as a living being part of your own experience? Don’t allow yourself to be subconsciously trapped in an environment of noise. Embrace the sounds around you - voices, cars, music, machinery, even the silence. Choose to consciously listen as opposed to subconsciously hearing. In so doing, you are enhancing your ability to react to your life in a more meaningful and effective manner. You are learning the significance of living in the moment as opposed to living through it. The following becomes your reality:
Your life is your own.
Your existence is valuable and you are worthy of living in your truth and speaking your reality.
You are not just an observer of your circumstances. You now determine what your next action/reaction will be based on what is happening in the here and now.
Your experiences are the true story on which your life is based. Don’t just live your life. Tell your story! Even if you’re not a writer, purchase a journal and put pen to paper and immortalize your story for the benefit of your generational successors.

Ladies engage in your own experiences and empower others simultaneously. And as always – Be Authentic. Be Original. And Be Extraordinary…because you are!