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Herbs and Spices

That’s the beauty of herbs and spices. Some are foods that wake up flavors, some are used medicinally and naturally heal our minds and bodies, and some can be used for both!

I’ve never had an interest in gardening until I hit my late 40s. Suddenly a light went off and I began enjoying playing in the dirt again. But only a little bit. I can only stand the heat of summer for minutes at a time. And the absolute worst are the bugs and especially the mosquitoes! That’s when I decided that an indoor mini-garden of herbs and spices would be a wonderful alternative.

Now I’m in my mid 50s and while the idea of an indoor mini-garden has only manifested in my mind, I do regularly purchase all sorts of herbs for taste and medicinal purposes. That’s the beauty of herbs and spices. Some are foods that wake up flavors, some are used medicinally and naturally heal our minds and bodies, and some can be used for both purposes.

A few of my favorite herbs and spices include cinnamon with its warm and somewhat bitter taste, and subdued sweetness. I’m not an oatmeal fan but when I add cinnamon, walnuts cranberries and a bit of brown sugar I’m in business! The good news is that with all the fiber in oatmeal, the sugars are time-released as opposed to entering the body all at once. Not to mention the fact that cinnamon is a blood sugar regulator. In addition to being the signature spice for sweet breads, pies and cookies, cinnamon is wonderful as an aromatic condiment and if boiled in water can actually remove the smell of burned food from your home. Or simply boil it and add nutmeg to the mix to create an ambiance of texture and sweetness in the air.

And if you haven’t tried basil you should. What would life be like without orange basil infused water?

And if you haven’t tried basil you should. What would life be like without orange basil infused water? The presentation is beautiful and I prepare it all the time for brunch parties and patio dinners for my hubby and friends. Did you know that basil contains antibacterial properties and phytochemicals that naturally help prevent cancer?

And finally, turmeric which has an earthy, peppery bitter-sweet taste is one of my many favorites. [When dealing with herbs you can never just have one favorite!] I use it to season eggs when I make turmeric fried eggs with kale, yogurt and turkey bacon. We’re not big meat eaters but every once in a while we break form and cheat a little. What’s great about turmeric is not only do you experience this uniquely different pop of flavor, it also has wonderful properties that reduce inflammation in the body and decreases pain due to various types of arthritis. My hubby drinks it as a tea and he says that turmeric along with flaxseed oil reduces the pain he used to experience due to rheumatoid arthritis.

I finally made it back outside and placed some rosemary in planters and have been watching it grow. I read that it keeps mosquitoes and squirrels away. So far…so good and the scent is wonderful!

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